Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Good morning! About the shawl.......

I have received SOOOO much lovely feed-back about this shawl. I had this pattern about 20 years ago, got it out of an old crochet book. It's just a counted stitch pattern so I'll try to write it up and post it.

Let me also say this. I am a private person most of the time and the charity work I do is anonymous. The only reason I told the story of my neighbor is to let y'all know that there are a lot of people on your own street who might just need a little chat, or a wave passing by, or just a little gift, unexpectedly, to really make a difference. I live in Mobile, Alabama, and there is a lot of poverty here. While I am not rich by any means, I am fortunate to be comfortable and my family safe. There are a lot of kids, old folks, abused women and children here that think just a small coverlet, a small hand-made toy, or a cap is a miracle.

I guess all I am saying is I am no angel. Ask my kids and friends! LOL! But just a small thing can make such a difference to someone who is lonely or hurting. That's all I was trying to say. So, thanks for all the kind words about the shawl and I will try to get the directions up as soon as possible.

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