Monday, October 03, 2011

Angst and outrage and whispers....oh MY!

LOL! If you can't stand opposing views grow a thicker skin. I'm not here to massage egos. with it or don't read it. Up to you.

I am getting down to serious painting this week. I'm tired of "casting pearls before swine" and so return with eager dedication to my paint and canvas, paper and pastels, to corrupt some more narrow-minded religious zealots in this town. My series is of a spiritual nature, belonging to no group or church, both the positive and negative of my brain-pan. My canvas always welcomes me, and my paint always says what I want it to.

Carry on the war, my sweet ones. I won't participate this week. Unless something drastic comes up, of course. I'll post the pics of my art as it proceeds.

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