Good evening! Here's pics and instructions for the muff. Here we go First, chain 40 with a worsted weight yarn (Red Heart is good) and a fur or some sort of fuzzy yarn. Hold these two together as you work. After the chain 4o, join chain with slip stitch, careful not to twist. Chain two, do not turn.
Double crochet in the next stitch and continue around the circle, one double crochet per stitch. When you complete the second row, instead of joining and chaining two, do a half-double crochet in the top of the previous chain two, and then continue the double crochet. This will keep a continuous spiral and make the muff smooth. No need for markers. Just continue with the double crochet, one in each stitch, until you get the muff the length of your desire.
Double crochet in the next stitch and continue around the circle, one double crochet per stitch. When you complete the second row, instead of joining and chaining two, do a half-double crochet in the top of the previous chain two, and then continue the double crochet. This will keep a continuous spiral and make the muff smooth. No need for markers. Just continue with the double crochet, one in each stitch, until you get the muff the length of your desire.
Now, When you get the muff the length you want the finished muff to be, cut the specialty yarn and continue with the same pattern you have been doing. In other words, there is is no stopping the work, except to use only the worsted weight thread. This accomplishes a couple of things. First, it saves the cost of the specialty thread, since this part of the muff will be folded into making the lining and not seen. Second, worsted weight yarn wears better by itself without the second yarn. You know, with hands going in and out all the time.
When you have the specialty thread cut and the end woven in the previous row, continue on as described above. Make the length of worsted weight work as long as the first length when you were using both yarns. When you have done this, your muff will look like this:

Kinda wierd, huh? Well, just wait. Now. Don't cut your yarn. Pull out a large loop so it won't unravel and lets put the lining in place.
Put your hand thru the muff, and pull the one yarn portion thru the middle of the two yarn portion.
Pull it thru just like turning a sock inside out. Pull the lining part down until the edges of both are even, like the second picture above. The yarn will be following you, coming thru the middle of the muff. You are almost finished.
Keeping the edges even, join the two layers with a simple single crochet through both layers, all the way around. You will have a muff that looks like the ones in the first "muff" post below! Now you need to decide if you want the end pieces" on your muff. If you do, it is simple to do. And I will continue that part below.
Let me say that this is an easy project to do. Once you have done one, you will see that they really are very simple. My burdensome pattern writing makes it sound so much more difficult than it is. Also, I should have chosen a easier color to see than red! LOL! Oh well!
You can also put a layer of felt, or another layer of crochet between these layers to make it denser. Just be sure to make sure and catch it in when joining all the layers on the edges or it could move about and bunch. Also, you could felt this pattern but I have not tried to do that so allow extra material accordingly.
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