I went to Pascacoula, Mississippi today to apply for a job at Northrup- Grumman, Engle's shipyard, and went for a drive through the community where I hadn't been before. And I was totally stunned.
Two months after Katrina, there are still people living in TENTS, no running water, no showers, no heat (it's been around 45 at night here) for small children, and no money. I couldn't believe it. I stopped in one of these communities and spoke to some of these folks today. Just to let them know someone gives a damn and ask them why? What Is their main problem and what can be done? Here's a couple of pics. The one above, too. They said that while Fema was SLOWLy getting the trailors down here and set up, that most of the time they would bring the trailor but not hook up the power, or not hook up the sewer or just NOT LEAVE THE KEYS!! These people have no pnone, no power ot charge a cell-phone, no money, and I mean NO money, because their jobs have been blown away, they have no place to receive any assistance checks, no money for gas for their vehicles where they could go and get jobs cleaning up debris, it is just amazingly bizarre.
We have better prison camps in this "war against terror" than our own citizens have shelter TWO MONTHS after this hurricane. They are forgotten now. And there are HUNDREDS. Babies, toddlers, old people, everyone.
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