Sunday, August 28, 2005


Well, here we go again. My beloved New Orleans is right in the middle of harm's way. I fear it will be gone when this is over. Pray for all of us.

Anyway, sorry I haven't up-dated lately. I went to work, 10 hours a day, new job last Saturday, the day after the 'wedding". Yesterday was my first day off, and here is this stupid storm. I will try and at least get pics of the bride and groom up before the storm.

I went to Michael's and got some Lion Brand Jiffy in a deep green and cream for a little blanket to work on. I am going to get some smaller projects lined up before the power goes off.

Please keep us in mind, we'll need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisa, have been watching hurricane coverage. Hope you haven't lost power yet. Praying for you and yours. GET OUT OF DODGE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS ONE IS BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just take your kids and projects and GO!!!!!!!
Peace, hope and love.
the Crochetbum