Saturday, December 10, 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Here's the shawl link....
the picture does not do it justice. the edging is my own with a little help from a book. E-mail me if you want the pattern.
My "lasagne" scarf

There is a scarf on a blog, I believe it is knitted, but it is called "Lasagne" and it is wide with a ruffled edge. I want to give credit to whomever designed it. anyway, I can't knit but loved the wider look, so this is my experiment. I'm going to make it wider, tho, and put a ruffle on the other side as well.
Experiments in smaller yarn ruffles

I was doing scarves last night and since I live on the southern coast, I wanted something more like a lacey jabot thing.....know what I mean? So I had some Red Heart skinny yarn, Lustre Sheen and I started experimenting with it. Did a regular scarf pattern with it just in black, then added a ladder yarn with it and this is the result:
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Anyway, that's the update.
Enjoy your day!!

I have done some more shawls, the same pattern as the blue one shown in previous post. Two are in the same size needle, but the light one...I used a Crystalite needle, a large one, but it does not have a size on it!! So I don't rmrmber what size it was. But it came out much lookser, as you will see.
Homespun shrug
What's up lately....
Hi to all, new stuff!!
Monday, October 31, 2005
who knows how to spin?
A threat....and a plea

This is a pic from today. People trying to keep their few things they have left. click on the small sign, and read the sign. They can't put the stuff back in the building because the buildings are condemned or damaged. As much as I love New Orleans, they were not the only ones to get hurt. Where is our government? They can launch a military attack in 72 hours, it's been TWO MONTHS.....what's their excuse?

This is donated clothing in a vacated shopping center lot. Just thrown out on the ground. Left to rot in the damp and rain and people come here to dig thru this mess to try and find clothes. Who is responsible for this? This is why I don't donate to any organization. I do contribute to the Red Cross because the people I spoke to said the Red Cross has been supportive and kept them fed, the if it hadn't been for the Red Cross and the churches, they, the vitims of the hurricane, would have become street people, nothing to eat and without even the little they have now.
Let BUSH come down here and live like this for a week. Then it would be done right.

I went to Pascacoula, Mississippi today to apply for a job at Northrup- Grumman, Engle's shipyard, and went for a drive through the community where I hadn't been before. And I was totally stunned.
Two months after Katrina, there are still people living in TENTS, no running water, no showers, no heat (it's been around 45 at night here) for small children, and no money. I couldn't believe it. I stopped in one of these communities and spoke to some of these folks today. Just to let them know someone gives a damn and ask them why? What Is their main problem and what can be done? Here's a couple of pics. The one above, too. They said that while Fema was SLOWLy getting the trailors down here and set up, that most of the time they would bring the trailor but not hook up the power, or not hook up the sewer or just NOT LEAVE THE KEYS!! These people have no pnone, no power ot charge a cell-phone, no money, and I mean NO money, because their jobs have been blown away, they have no place to receive any assistance checks, no money for gas for their vehicles where they could go and get jobs cleaning up debris, it is just amazingly bizarre.
We have better prison camps in this "war against terror" than our own citizens have shelter TWO MONTHS after this hurricane. They are forgotten now. And there are HUNDREDS. Babies, toddlers, old people, everyone.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
I'M Back!!
Hey to all!
I have neglected my blog for far too long. I have been doing some things for Katrina victims, trying to break in a new job, and finally have my balance back. Oh, by the way, finally found a church I love after looking practically all my life to find one that I felt at home in. And I literally felt as if I was "coming home". Not your mains

There is a discussion about the drape and weight of Caron Simply Soft I wanted to address. I just finished a shawl in this yarn, very dense pattern but so simple. Here are the pics. I love Simply Soft because of the strength of the stuff and because it has such a nice hand. I worried about the weight being too light also, but have you ever tried to break the stuff with your hands instead of cutting it? It will literally cut you before it breaks! I can easily break any other yarn. It drapes beautifully as well.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Getting back on track....
I am feeling a bit stronger today, and since I am off from my new job until Tuesday, I am going to crochet all this holiday week-end for the children in this disaster. Just simple things like bright, stuffed balls, small dolls, animals, hackey sacks for the older kids, little sleeveless t-shirts for babies, slippers for adults.
I am finding out about going to New Orleans this week-end with the Salvation Army to actually put my hands and energy where my mouth is, but if I can't do it, at this short notice, I WILL be making the above items. If I CAN go, I will blog it, and take pics. But if they say no, I will do what I can.
Thanks again to all of you, you help me have faith in people again.
Hugs to all.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Back on-line from hurricane.
It is 5:29, Wednesday, August 31, 2005. i just got my power back on 2 hours ago. I am in Mobile Alabama and have lived through Hurricane Katrina.
The storm didn't seem that bad here, but I slept through a bit of it. But then I saw the pictures of the shrimp boats pushed hundreds of yards on land, the Island is almost gone and I can't even comprehend what is happening to my New Orleans.
My heart is broken over Louisiana. I lived in New orleans when I was 17 until I was 21 or so, I lived there after running away from an abusive home life and she embraced me with no judgement. She sustained me, nurtured me, grew me up. She taught me some of the most valuable lessons I will ever know in my life and she loved me. I loved her back. I cannot tell you what that city meant to me at that time in my life. It was such a turning point, and I will never forget the nights in the bayous, sitting at porclean kitchen tables playing cards and drinking. No noise, just quiet sounds of bayou creatures, the slamming of a screen door when a friend or relative came in, the creak of boards in the floor, laughter and cajun accents.
I didn't realize when I was there what it would mean to me later in life, or how many times I would think of those times. I have traveled the Quarter a thousand times, have cried by the Mississippi River at night over some stupid boy, crept through the bayous with the leave of those kind people by the way of their friends who were also mine. I have learned the ways of times past from their old people who lived off the land. I as taken in by these people, when I was broken and lost and kept alive by their watchfulness and love. I took on their lives and was one of their own. And I loved every moment of it, bare-foot and scratching mosqito bites. tanned and too skinny. The days running thru the Quarter, tipping back in chairs while the sun set, drinking and betting. The hot nights, and the damp cold of the winters there, with fires in fireplaces and old tales told over chicory coffee.I never knew what I had till I moved back to Mobile.
The people in New Orleans, the people who have lived there for years and generations are not the people you usually see on T>v, or in some elegant hotel. They are the heart and soul of the place, the breath and blood. I can't tell you how much I love the city and the surrounding parishes, the Irish Channel, Grand Isle, Algiers, the good and the bad. I can't believe what has happened there. I will have to let it sink in for a while, to realize that my grandchild will not have the chance to know the New Orleans I knew, to go back with me to the bayous and quiet, mossy wet places and let me teach her what I was taught. She'll never see the old churches, the ancient houses, or know the calm and content of the Quarter and the surrounding marshy places. She'll never know the mystery and the taboo-ness of the knowledge of things that can only be learned from it being handed down to you.
My heart is broken forLouisiana tonight. And it will be for a very long time
Monday, August 29, 2005
It's getting a little windy....
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Christening gown
Anyway, sorry I haven't up-dated lately. I went to work, 10 hours a day, new job last Saturday, the day after the 'wedding". Yesterday was my first day off, and here is this stupid storm. I will try and at least get pics of the bride and groom up before the storm.
I went to Michael's and got some Lion Brand Jiffy in a deep green and cream for a little blanket to work on. I am going to get some smaller projects lined up before the power goes off.
Please keep us in mind, we'll need it.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
THANKS for all the responses to my dress question! I favor the blue, longer one too but just didn't want to be too "too", you know. But that's the one.
Thanks for all the well wishes and y'all are the sweetest people!
And here's the yarn...

O.K., here's the deal. My dear son told me last night that his wedding is a go, TOMORROW! So, me and daughter dashed out this morning to try and find a dress. I don't usually wear sleeveless stuff so while I like the two dresses, and can't make up my mind, I am whipping up a shawl that will go with both. Even with the awful pics below, which dress do you like? It's just gonna be at the courthouse, with a dinner afterwards. The green one is knee-length, the blue is long. Post more later, gotta grab a bite of lunch and get these yarns flying!
24 hour shawl! Literally!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Damnation!! Just saw my idea!!
Oh well, I wasn't going to make them exactly like that but I have to admit they were going to be similar. I had a flat pair of boots that I wore to death and I was going to try and replicate them. I still am, I don't really like the bulkiness of the catalog ones. Oh well, enjoy your day!
Friday, August 12, 2005

Here's the back of the new cape. I attached the wrong side of the bonnet to the cape, the seam is supposed to be inside. So either I will frog it, or I will put a small picot along the top of the entire cape, using the seam as well, and make it reversable, the "inside" being smooth. Anyway, some nice person suggested a ruffle to make it look more Victorian, so I tried it and love the result. I increased in every stitch for two rows of single crochet. I really love the look.
I am almost finished with the cape. I started a new one last night with the LusterSheen I bought and it is coming out really nicely. I am going to be posting pics soon, and doing another one in black. So if you want to see the finished product, plus embellishments (you know I can't keep my hands off an original pattern!), check back with me. Very soon!
Thursday, August 11, 2005

Well, here's the first attempt on the Victorian bonnet. I have a basic pattern for this, embellished it a bit on the back where the seam is. I have over-corrected the sharpness on these pics to show the pattern, the thread is just some I had here and it is metallic. I am starting on the cape, above, and will see how it comes out. I went to HL today and bought some LusterSheen, I might re-do it in that thread, to see the end result.
Thanks to all who commented and helped on the "Victorian" stitch question!!!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Also, where can I get one of those little things that show the percentage of completion on individual projects? Know what I mean? I've seen them on other blogs and would like to start one myself.
Started on a sweater last night, half-way thru. I have SO many things to finish and want to do.
As soon as I can get the thread and needle, I am trying my hand at IRISH Crochet booties that are just gorgeous!.
Still in the market for a Christening gown pattern for 1st grandchild. Making a WILD baby blanket, y'all will have to see it, as well as some experimetal stuff with BOOTS, yes , I said BOOTS, and hackey sacks, and seriously considering collaberating with daughter to see if she would wear an Irish crochet wedding dress. No, she's not engaged, but I am talking for hope chest. I haven't forgotten the little crochet-in-the round animals, or the Cathedral Rose Window Afghan, ther's just so many things to do and finish, but so much fun as well!! I'll be posting pics all this week.
Enjoy your lives, folks, be thankful for every day you have, whether it is good or bad. As long as you are alive, there's hope and faith, and love to give. Just a thought.
Friday, August 05, 2005
TWO job offers and a tapestry lesson.....
Anyway, to the tapestry lesson. I found a page that explains it, and am gonna link you up to it. here it is:
I have another page to post with info on this as well.
Tapestry crochet is simple once you do it once or twice, try it....you may fall in love with it like I did!