Baby pants done in hdc and sc. I decided to put a little embelleshment on the bottoms. The top is wide in sc because it will be folded over to put wide elastic in. I am working on a striped pair now.
I woke to the rain and I mean RAIN!! It is pouring here in Mobile, Alabama and that is fine with me. I stayed up till 3:30 this morning catching up with cleaning, laundry, etc. and also almost finished the little sweatpant pattern I was designing for the babies. It came out well, and I have just a little to do to it and I will throw a picture up. Probably in an hour or two. July 4th week-end...hmmmmmm, I won't be grilling, I HATE to grill in the heat. But I may go fishing with my dear hubby, and definately get some quality crochet time in. I am now a proud member of the Southern Crochet Ring! My first membership ever! Thank you for letting me join! Be back in a little while!
I am finished blogging today, but will send the link to anyone who wants the poncho link. I am working on my own design of long sweat-type pants for babys, but with a twist, as usual. ;) Maybe I'll have them finished by tomorrow. Everyone enjoy their day!
The chenille jacket, finished. I put the smallest poncho for scale. I would say it is a 1 T
The last picture of this poncho, I promise! But I wanted you to see the shape of it when it is closed. I added stitches in the back "V" because I wanted it to dip a bit.
I am showing you the comparison of the first and second ponchos as the sizes go. The smaller one is said to be for a new-born, but is really small. But I did use a smaller hook and thread, so take that into consideration. The larger one is exactly doubled, I just doubled the foundation chain and instructions. If you would like the pattern, it is a free pattern I will be looking up this afternoon, just e-mail me, or post here.
A close up of the edging used, with the addition of the ladder yarn.
Here is the second baby poncho I made last night. Same thread, but a ladder yarn added to the thread for the edging. This poncho is called a poncho but is open like a shawl. I plan to put red ribbons on the openings to tie it, you could put charms or other ideas.
I finished another baby poncho last night, that may help to show you how fast this pattern works up. I put a different type of edging on it, with a specialty yarn, and it really looks nice. I'll post pictures this afternoon. I also finished the chenille jacket that I pictured here yesterday. I finished the other sleeve, added length. I'll also be posting the pics of that finished javket today. Thanks to ALL who have commented and written to me, I do appreciate the kind words!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
When I turned around, my cat, Ant, had settled on my blanket with my voodoo doll to take a nap. I couldn't resist the picture!
Here's a little close-up of the back. I have left an opening in it to fill it, and then whip-stitch it closed. The doll is approximately 6 inches tall and I will be adding features and clothing.
I LOVE halloween! I was married on it with a real Halloween wedding. So, I am designing a little doll for the holiday, strictly for fun, mind you! I just started stitching and here it is.
Close up of the yarn.
This is a chenille jacket I am trying for about a one year old size. The yarn is quite thick and I will probably be adding more length to it.
Close-up of the edging
This is the poncho I did from a free pattern I found on the net. It was done in baby yarn on-site, so I decided to dress it up a bit. Also, the edging is mine.
No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth! LOL! I have been working on a baby poncho in a bright red thread. I will post pics of it as soon as my dear daughter comes home with my camera! Also, for Halloween, I have designed my own voodoo doll! I'll post pics of that as well! Be back soon, so come back and visit!
Friday, June 24, 2005
back view
Back view, of shrug.
baby shrug
This is made from Caron Simply Soft and trimmed in a specialty yarn, I forget which one at this time.
Baby shrug
A baby shrug I did last night. i love this pattern as it makes up so quickly. This is a 3-6 month size but could be re-sized easily.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
The second picture shows the back of the outfit, which is modeled by my daughter on the top. It is simple double crochet. The top and bottom are made in the same way. This type of outfit could be modified, changed, mixed and matched in so many ways!!! Any one know where to get "shinies" like this?
The first picture of the set below is the "fishscale" sequins I am looking for, they are almost transparent and I don't even know if they are considered sequins. Anyone seen a source for these things?
This is the outfit
Double crochet
double crochet with "fishscales"
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Here's the pic converted to grid
Here's original pic
The program I used was KnitPro, the free program someone was kind enough to point me to. I am having a great time with it actually! The skull I am crocheting is in single crochet and in simple black and white. Let me know if I can answer any questions, any comments are welcome!
The start of a design for a skull using a graph and pic. More detail in the blog.
O.K., y'all are probablygoing to think I am crazy, but my son, Caleb, is expecting his first baby on Christmas Eve and he wants a sweater with a skull on the back. No, not for him for Christmas, for the baby! Well, I am designing one, really just to see if it will work that small, but it will be usualble as well. Here is the begining of the design, the top of the head.
This hat will of course have these little triangles all the way around the edge! This is just what it looks like in the experimental stage.
One more look!
Close up of the trim. You can see the different size of the triangles, I may either alternate, use the larger ones or even make them bigger! They definately will have bells on them!